Thankful List
51. Spring flowers - I love them - the bulbs I planted in the fall are now blooming.
52. Hummingbirds - On Saturday a hummingbird flew into my garage, so I took that as a sign to put out the feeder. Sunday morning a hummingbird was at the feeder.
53. Trees - I recently planted 10 trees in my yard - got them from Arbor Day foundation for $10 - they all really look like twigs in the ground, but I am already seeing some growth. Dallas recently received a Tree City USA designation.
54. Birdhouses - Luke built one and I put it on a post in the backyard - can't wait to see if someone move in.
55. Spring Weather - we were over 70 degrees the other day and the kids acted like it was summer - played in the sprinkler and did chalk drawings on the driveway.
More on my list later ..... Happy Easter!
what is the lovely flower?
Dad - It is a parrot tulip.
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