Friday, January 30, 2009

Happy Friday?

I am glad that it is Friday - two days off with no treatments, but I am a little depressed that I still have two weeks to go. I know I will look back and this time will have gone by fast, but when you are in the middle of it times seems to crawl. We have a normal busy weekend planned with basketball, church and maybe go to a Superbowl party. Hope everyone has a relaxing weekend.

Monday, January 26, 2009


Thanks for all the prayers - my Grandmother did well with her surgery and is at home recuperating.

My Dr. changed the area that will get treatment - it is smaller and will be more shallow energy so it will not pass all the way through my ankle. He said I have between 10 and 15 treatments left. Yeah!

Thankful List

35. Meals - I have had several wonderful church members bring meals for my family - I can always tell they were made with love.

36. Giving Back - I am looking forward to the day when I can help others in need.

37. Computers - help me stay in touch with the outside world

38. Feet - I am very grateful for my two working feet and ankles - can't believe I thought about giving one up.

39. My Health - I am amazed at how well my body is handling what is going on - I know that a positive attitude helps - thanks to all my supporters.

40. Sleep - I will be in bed soon and wonder what I will dream about.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Request for Prayers

Hi All - My Grandma Berta (my Mom's Mom) is going to have surgery for breast cancer tomorrow. Please pray for her speedy recovery and no complications.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Number 34 on my thankful list is praying

I found this prayer the other day and really like it:

Dear Lord, you give me another day of life, a treasure that I too often ignore. Give me the strength to acknowledge your infinite generosity and goodness. Show me the way this day to express my gratitude for all you have given me. Help me share this bounty with those in need. Amen.

Radiation update:

I am about half way done with my treatments - it is starting to feel more burnt and I don't like to wear socks or even have my pants rub on it. It has been 35 degrees and below every morning, but I don't even mind having my foot bare. The doctor will adjust my treatment next week to a more narrow area on my ankle - not sure if this means a more concentrated dose in that area. I am still able to walk without pain - so I am very thankful!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Here goes 21-30

Thankful list

21. Sunshine - last three days the sun has really lifted my spirits!

22. Basketball - William and Luke are both enjoying learning to play and are right now outside practicing with each other on the driveway - we don't even have a hoop.

23. Wii - William and Jake finally found something they will play together and not fight - most of the time - they really like Super Smash Bros Brawl.

24. Aunts - I am very blessed with many special Aunts on both sides of my family.

25. Uncles - I will not leave you out - you keep my Aunts busy!

26. Cousins - I have lost count of how many I have but enjoy the uniqueness of each one - this includes, second and third - etc.

27. Nephews - Bryce, Tylor and now Evan - very special friends to my boys - I am looking forward to a niece sometime soon.

28. Grandparents - I have not forgot you - I love you all for the gifts - material and not so material.

29. Joyce and Terry - speaking of unique - they are wonderful and always full of love and support.

30. Jim and Jeanette - I love following you on your adventures - even if I just follow you by website, emails and phone calls.

31. Michael and Robin - wonderful new married couple - love how they support each other.

32. Borja Family - you know who you are - each one of you is special to me and I miss seeing you more often.

33. Bud - just enjoyed a busy Sunday with church, lunch out, haircuts, carwash and now basketball with the boys.

Oops! - went past 30 - I got carried away and did not want to leave anyone out - if you feel left out - email me so I can include you on 34-100.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

L is for lazy or lethargic

Not sure if it is from the radiation or just life, but I am tired all the time and my brain sometimes has a hard time putting thoughts together. I have had drivers this week and it has been good to rest my ankle more and nice to have company for the drive. Still just an internal burn feeling sometimes and my skin is getting brown. I have now had 13 treatments more than 1/3 done!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

More on my list

I have completed 9 treatments and have just started to feel a little internal burning in my ankle. It is hard to wait to get them all done. I need to work on my thankful list so I don't get depressed, so here goes 11 - 20

11. God - this list is not in order and I did not forget you!
12. Catholic Church - I love the traditions!
13. Cookies - I am going to enter a cookie baking contest - I have always wanted to do this and I have already tried my first test batch - yummy!
14. Cameras - I love taking pictures - I realized that I did not take a picture for almost 3 weeks after I found out I had cancer - makes me sad to think that I was so lost in fear that I did not think to do something that makes me happy.
15. Mail - I have been getting many get well cards and packages - this helps keep my spirits up - I also enjoy emails.
16. Lotion - I have always loved lotions with wonderful smells - now I have one that does not smell for my ankle, but it seems to be working well for my skin.
17. Birthday Cake - Always brings a smile to my face and I get to take pictures!
18. Sand - hot or cold between my toes - wet or dry - run or walk - you always take some home to clean out of your car - leaves good memories.
19. Ocean - where you find the best sand - always changing - could stare at it for hours.
20. Seagulls - I used to not even look at these birds and then last weekend they were always on our balcony - one morning William and I stepped out to get a closer view and the seagulls swarmed us - we both jumped back in surprise and starting laughing - I guess they were looking for breakfast, but we had none for them - one that we studied closely had a bent toe - they normally have 3 toes - we walked on the beach and found the seagull prints with 2 toes and knew who they belonged to - cool!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Jake's Birthday

We had a wonderful weekend at the coast for Jake's 4th birthday and then had a Batman cake at home with family. I survived my 5th treatment today and I am feeling good.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

L is for lists, lists and more lists.

Both my husband and I love lists - we enjoy making them and then crossing off what has been accomplished. On New Year's Eve I started thinking about a New Year's Resolution List - I don't usually make one of these lists, but I have been doing a lot of things lately that I don't normally do. As I was thinking about my list I remembered some people have lists of 100 things they want to do before they die - I do not feel like this would be a good list for me, I already have my list of songs , I have a list of people that are going to drive me to my treatments, I have a list of groceries, I have a list of doctors, but someone told me they are inspired by their list of 100 thing they are thankful for and praise God everyday for these things - this is a much better list for me, so I want to start one - I think I will just do 10 right now and then add as I want to.

Lisa's Thankful List

1. Rainbows - I saw one when I was driving to my first radiation treatment and it made me smile.
2. Family - I am so blessed with so many wonderful and supportive family members.
3. Friends - I am equally blessed with old and new friends helping and praying for me.
4. My boys - they always find a way to make me laugh everyday.
5. Books - I am always more focused and relaxed when I am reading a book - my favorite part is always the middle.
6. Tea - I stopped drinking coffee and soda - so now I drink at least 3 cups of tea a day.
7. Music - I love my list of songs - reminds me of how much I am loved.
8. Baths - I usually am a shower person, but one of the radiation nurses said I should take a bath, so I don't drop the shampoo bottle on my foot or don't hurt my skin from the pelts of water. The doctor had already told me to soak my foot for 20 minutes a day to increase the circulation, so why not my whole body. People say that baths are relaxing, but I am still working on that. I know this is more detail than you need, but I am trying to convince myself that I am thankful for baths because I miss my showers.
9. Birds - I love to watch them - some how they make me happy - I love hummingbirds and the sound they make when they fly.
10. Seasons - My son Luke asked me the other day what was my favorite season, he guessed it would be spring because he knows I love flowers, but I told him fall because I love to see the leaves change color, he said he likes Winter for snowball fights - I decided not to remind him that the snow is rare in Dallas, Oregon. I also love summer - going to the beach and building sandcastles with my boys.

Happy New Year!