Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Number 34 on my thankful list is praying

I found this prayer the other day and really like it:

Dear Lord, you give me another day of life, a treasure that I too often ignore. Give me the strength to acknowledge your infinite generosity and goodness. Show me the way this day to express my gratitude for all you have given me. Help me share this bounty with those in need. Amen.

Radiation update:

I am about half way done with my treatments - it is starting to feel more burnt and I don't like to wear socks or even have my pants rub on it. It has been 35 degrees and below every morning, but I don't even mind having my foot bare. The doctor will adjust my treatment next week to a more narrow area on my ankle - not sure if this means a more concentrated dose in that area. I am still able to walk without pain - so I am very thankful!

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