Friday, April 16, 2021

 L is for long time since last post

It has been over 10 years since I last posted a blog.  I was shocked to find my account today.  I am still cancer free.  My boys are now 21,19 and 16 years old.  We are surviving the global pandemic from Covid-19. Will and Luke are in college and Jake is in high school. I am so impressed with how they are all just dealing with restrictions, masks, social distancing and continuing to make their best lives.  I have been filled with anxiety over all of these things and they have just been my solid foundation.  I have been working from home for over a year.  Hoping we will all be vaccinated soon.  When I read my old posts I always first cry and then I am incredibly proud of how strong I am.  This is helping me now to stay strong in this quickly changing world.  I have been leaning into my creative side and painting a lot.  Here is a picture of my most recent completed painting.  Enjoy!

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