Sunday, May 17, 2009

L is for lots and lots and lots of walking

I participated in the Relay for Life on Friday and Saturday - each team had to walk for 25 hours - it was the 25th anniversary of the relay. Our team was the Whitworth Wolves - William and Luke's grade school. I think I walked about 3 hours and am so impressed with all of my friends that walked and slept in tents and worked hard to raise money to fight cancer. I was the one team member that was also a survivor - this means I had a purple shirt instead of white and got to have a special lap with more than 40 other survivors. It was very strange compared to last year when I was just a walker. I do not wish cancer on anyone and am inspired by the spirit and humor of the other survivors. It also reminded me to slow down and appreciate the uniqueness of each day - like snowflakes no two are exactly the same. I pray to make each day joyful!

1 comment:

Jeanette said...

Lisa, I enjoyed being at the relay with you and the boys. My two favorite blogs are yours and my friend Marilyn Smith. Today BOTH of you are blogging about Relay for life, two different relays, but a unique coincidence. :-)