Monday, January 26, 2009


Thanks for all the prayers - my Grandmother did well with her surgery and is at home recuperating.

My Dr. changed the area that will get treatment - it is smaller and will be more shallow energy so it will not pass all the way through my ankle. He said I have between 10 and 15 treatments left. Yeah!

Thankful List

35. Meals - I have had several wonderful church members bring meals for my family - I can always tell they were made with love.

36. Giving Back - I am looking forward to the day when I can help others in need.

37. Computers - help me stay in touch with the outside world

38. Feet - I am very grateful for my two working feet and ankles - can't believe I thought about giving one up.

39. My Health - I am amazed at how well my body is handling what is going on - I know that a positive attitude helps - thanks to all my supporters.

40. Sleep - I will be in bed soon and wonder what I will dream about.

1 comment:

Robin said...

We think of you every day. Thanks so much for keeping us updated!
Love, Robin and Michael