Tuesday, February 3, 2009

L is for less skin radiated

Today was my first treatment of field reduction - this means they treat a smaller area and do not go as deep in the ankle. My skin is starting to look worse and the doctor is considering having me take a break for a week or two to let my skin heal some. I have 9 more to go and then will be done - just don't know when that done date is yet.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Lisa, I love your thankful lists. I'm sorry it seems like treatment days are passing slowly. I apologize that I had 2 weeks of blogs to read tonight - I guess the speed of time depends on what else is going on in life. Still, we have been thinking of you and praying for you to get through these treatments easily. I know these last ones are the most difficult, and the discomfort is worsening. Wish there was some way to take that part away. Here is a verse for you:
"You are my lamp, O LORD; the LORD turns my darkness into light."
from 2 Samuel 22:29 Praying that this darkness passes quickly for you, and you can (literally) step out into the light on the other side! Love, Susan L