Friday, December 12, 2008

L is for lagging appointments

I finally got a call from Salem Hospital about my radiation treatments. I have an appointment for next Thursday Dec 18th for a consultation. Of course the appointment is in the morning when Jake's pre-school is having their Christmas party - Bud will cover this for me, but it makes me sad to miss this special time. I will then need to have an appointment for a simulation of my radiation and then they will schedule my radiation appointments. I am discouraged because I made the decision for radiation over a week ago and now I have to wait. I am not worried about the cancer spreading, but anyone who knows me knows I like to plan and this is slowing my planning process. I know that it will go smoother if I just relax and wait for their schedule - I will just listen to my music when I get nervous. Thanks again for all the prayers, songs, offers of help and emails of encouragement.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

am here in bartlett visiting....hang in there, you are always remembered in my prayers...
tita baby