Tuesday, December 8, 2009
L is for little treasures
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
L is for Life
I got great news from my tests at OHSU - still cancer clear! I need to go back again in March for same tests - MRI of ankle and CT of chest.
I feel like in the last few weeks it has been harder to live my life - just worried about these tests and results. I am now at my 1 year anniversary since my diagnosis of cancer. I am still trying to figure out how to celebrate that.
I hope to now more forward each day living happier and healthier than the day before - at least until March when I start to worry again.
Thanks again for all your positive thoughts and prayers. I still enjoy listening to my ipod playlist that I created last year from all the song suggestions from my friends and family.
I feel like in the last few weeks it has been harder to live my life - just worried about these tests and results. I am now at my 1 year anniversary since my diagnosis of cancer. I am still trying to figure out how to celebrate that.
I hope to now more forward each day living happier and healthier than the day before - at least until March when I start to worry again.
Thanks again for all your positive thoughts and prayers. I still enjoy listening to my ipod playlist that I created last year from all the song suggestions from my friends and family.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
L is for who is in charge?
56. Stormy - had to show this picture - we are having so much fun with her.
57. Sunrises - I see more since I get up with the dog every morning.
58. Sunsets - I see more since I take her out at night.
59. Waking up William - letting Stormy into William's bed to wake him up - it is what he has always been wanting a dog for and it brings joy to my day first thing in the morning.
60. Meeting Luke at the bus - some days he will let me and I bring Stormy - he is more excited to see her than me - I love how he has taken her into his heart.
61. Walks - Jake, my neighbor Susan, her dog Cricket, Stormy and I took a walk today even in the rain - I would not have been able to get Jake out for a walk in the rain if it were not for Stormy.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
L is for love the beach
I really love the beach when the weather is this perfect. The boys and I took quick trip to the beach late on Monday. We had a blast - I only felt a little guilty having so much fun on a school night.
I saw my radiation doctor in Salem and he thinks my skin looks good and will just follow up with me again in January - he told me to have a good holiday season - I was confused - it does not seem that it would be that time of year already, but by the time I see him in January all those crazy busy days will have come and gone. My ankle is feeling almost normal - no swelling or itching. Next check is OHSU in November.
PS: Happy Birthday Mom - Thanks for your constant love and support!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
L is for Learning
This summer I took an online class on how to write children's book. I enjoyed the class, but I had forgotten how much time and effort goes into learning. I have now written two stories and had fun with the process. I am now trying to decide if I want to continue the process or have fun with other dreams - cooking contests, scrapbooking, raising three wonderful boys, etc. I did not have much time for fun reading while taking the class because it was online you spend a lot of time reading other classmates posts. So I just finished reading a great book The Middle Place by Kelly Corrigan - she writes about her fight with cancer for herself and her father. It reminded me so much of my time during my treatments and all of the support I got from my friends and family - thank you again. I am once again thinking of my thankful list and will work on adding to it soon.
Stormy update - she has barked 3 times in the two and a half weeks we have had her. She is very playful and loving - the boys are really loving having a dog.
Enjoy the last few weeks of summer!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
L is for living longer
Today is my 41st birthday! I got a card from a dear friend that said "Birthdays are a gift from God". I totally agree. This morning I got to help William take Stormy, our new dog, out for the first morning - we got caught in the automatic sprinklers in our pajamas - it was very funny. Stormy is the best dog - she has not barked once. William and Luke are at soccer camp and Jake and I are playing board games. William says he taught Stormy a trick called "hug". See picture! I love it when you came make their dreams come true - Happy Birthday to Me!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
L is for Long day, but worth it!
I will start out with the end results of the day - all of my scans at OHSU are clear of cancer! I will go back again in 4 months for the same scans. My first appointment this am was at 9:45 for CAT scan of lungs (usually 10 minutes), then 10:30 am for MRI of ankle and foot ( usually 2 hours) and then 3:30pm to get results from my doctor. I got delayed in traffic for an hour and a half and thought I would not be able to make any of my scans. Luckily everyone was having a late day so when I showed up at 11am I waited for 45 minutes for my CAT scan - it still only took 10 minutes, then I waited another 1/2 hour for my MRI - it still took close to 2 hours. I had about 1/2 hour to have some lunch before I got to see my doctor for results - he was on time. Now I am home getting ready to go out for a celebration dinner. I plan to make the most of the next 120 days before my next scans.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
L is for lines
I just realized it has been a month since my last blog entry. I guess the kids have been keeping me very busy.
We just returned from a week in Disneyland and we had a great time - lots of wonderful memories. Some of my favorite time was spent waiting in lines for rides - that may seem strange, but you really get a chance to watch other people and talk to the people you are waiting with - Disney does a good job of keeping the lines moving. We had been to Disney World most often when we lived in Wisconsin, so this was my first trip to Disneyland since my teenage years. I was surprised at how little Cinderella's castle is compared to the one at Disney World and how large the Small World ride looks compared to the ride at Disney World. I will try to upload some pictures in the next few days.
I just started an online class on how to write children's books - it was fun to have my first week of class and be on vacation at the same time.
I have my next follow up at OHSU on July 8th - I will let you all know the results.
We just returned from a week in Disneyland and we had a great time - lots of wonderful memories. Some of my favorite time was spent waiting in lines for rides - that may seem strange, but you really get a chance to watch other people and talk to the people you are waiting with - Disney does a good job of keeping the lines moving. We had been to Disney World most often when we lived in Wisconsin, so this was my first trip to Disneyland since my teenage years. I was surprised at how little Cinderella's castle is compared to the one at Disney World and how large the Small World ride looks compared to the ride at Disney World. I will try to upload some pictures in the next few days.
I just started an online class on how to write children's books - it was fun to have my first week of class and be on vacation at the same time.
I have my next follow up at OHSU on July 8th - I will let you all know the results.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
L is for lazy summer days?
Jake is already done with his first year of pre-school. William and Luke only have 4 and 1/2 school days until they are done. I am looking forward to a relaxing summer, but I already see our calender filling up with vacation bible school, road trip to Disneyland, Rudishauser family reunion in Silverton, Scott family reunion in Pacific City and soccer camp. I am sure we will also squeeze in trips to the Roaring Rivers Fish Hatchery, Portland Zoo, Gilbert house, OMSI, and Enchanted Forest. I am already exhausted thinking about all we are going to do, not so lazy days of summer, but I know I will enjoy each moment with my boys!
I had an appointment with my radiation Doctor yesterday - my ankle keeps healing, but the surgery site still has a little opening - he says it should be healed by the end of summer - the one time when I want time to go faster is with the healing process, but I will be patient. I go back to OHSU in July for more scans.
I had an appointment with my radiation Doctor yesterday - my ankle keeps healing, but the surgery site still has a little opening - he says it should be healed by the end of summer - the one time when I want time to go faster is with the healing process, but I will be patient. I go back to OHSU in July for more scans.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
L is for lots and lots and lots of walking
I participated in the Relay for Life on Friday and Saturday - each team had to walk for 25 hours - it was the 25th anniversary of the relay. Our team was the Whitworth Wolves - William and Luke's grade school. I think I walked about 3 hours and am so impressed with all of my friends that walked and slept in tents and worked hard to raise money to fight cancer. I was the one team member that was also a survivor - this means I had a purple shirt instead of white and got to have a special lap with more than 40 other survivors. It was very strange compared to last year when I was just a walker. I do not wish cancer on anyone and am inspired by the spirit and humor of the other survivors. It also reminded me to slow down and appreciate the uniqueness of each day - like snowflakes no two are exactly the same. I pray to make each day joyful!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
L is for Looking Up
Jake has been sleeping late the last few days so I have been able to watch a little of the morning news shows. I saw an interview with Michael J. Fox about a book he just wrote -
Always Looking Up: The Adventures of an Incurable Optimist.
It reminded me about the award I got for Optimist of the month when I was in high school. I hope that I still earn that title most days. He also talked about finding happiness in each day and said that his happy moment for that day was going to be when the kids get off the bus and hearing about school and helping them with their homework - he said it was the music of life.
I have been busy getting ready for the Relay for Life - our team had a garage sale this weekend and raised over $1200! I am looking forward to hearing other people's cancer survivor stories and being inspired to keep looking up!
Always Looking Up: The Adventures of an Incurable Optimist.
It reminded me about the award I got for Optimist of the month when I was in high school. I hope that I still earn that title most days. He also talked about finding happiness in each day and said that his happy moment for that day was going to be when the kids get off the bus and hearing about school and helping them with their homework - he said it was the music of life.
I have been busy getting ready for the Relay for Life - our team had a garage sale this weekend and raised over $1200! I am looking forward to hearing other people's cancer survivor stories and being inspired to keep looking up!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
L is for long train ride to Seattle
This past weekend I rode the train for 6 hours to visit my friend Susie for the weekend. I do not remember the last time I had 6 hours to myself - other than when I sleep, but that is usually interrupted by one child or another. I was surprised at how fast the 6 hours went. I read a book, worked on a sudoku puzzle and made a trip to the snack car. I am now tempted to take my boys on a train ride, maybe a shorter test trip first. I have a feeling those train rides will seem long.
My ankle is still healing and I am getting frustrated at the slow pace and still feel a constant burn. I saw my doctor last week and he was not surprised that it was taking this long - he said it would take much longer for someone in there 60's - Thank God I am still a young 40! He does not need to see me for 6 more weeks - it is strange to not have appointments every day, week, month. Of course it has been a year since my last mammogram and must keep tabs on that, but I will let that slide for now and just enjoy each day!
My ankle is still healing and I am getting frustrated at the slow pace and still feel a constant burn. I saw my doctor last week and he was not surprised that it was taking this long - he said it would take much longer for someone in there 60's - Thank God I am still a young 40! He does not need to see me for 6 more weeks - it is strange to not have appointments every day, week, month. Of course it has been a year since my last mammogram and must keep tabs on that, but I will let that slide for now and just enjoy each day!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
L is for lovely flowers
Thankful List
51. Spring flowers - I love them - the bulbs I planted in the fall are now blooming.
52. Hummingbirds - On Saturday a hummingbird flew into my garage, so I took that as a sign to put out the feeder. Sunday morning a hummingbird was at the feeder.
53. Trees - I recently planted 10 trees in my yard - got them from Arbor Day foundation for $10 - they all really look like twigs in the ground, but I am already seeing some growth. Dallas recently received a Tree City USA designation.
54. Birdhouses - Luke built one and I put it on a post in the backyard - can't wait to see if someone move in.
55. Spring Weather - we were over 70 degrees the other day and the kids acted like it was summer - played in the sprinkler and did chalk drawings on the driveway.
More on my list later ..... Happy Easter!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
L is for less burn
I saw my radiation doctor this morning and he says it looks to be healing well and less swelling. I have been feeling the affects of the last week of treatment , so I get woken up at least once a night with a burning feeling - I put lotion on and it settles down. I think it is just going to keep getting better. The doctor wants to see me in 2 weeks and thinks that the wound should be closed by May.
The boys and I spent spring break in Newport and had a fun time with my Aunt Ginny and my Mom. We went to the beach, aquarium, marine science center and undersea garden. It was rainy, but we still had to have ice cream. I hope to continue to work on my thankful list and am also working on entering the Pillsbury bake-off.
The boys and I spent spring break in Newport and had a fun time with my Aunt Ginny and my Mom. We went to the beach, aquarium, marine science center and undersea garden. It was rainy, but we still had to have ice cream. I hope to continue to work on my thankful list and am also working on entering the Pillsbury bake-off.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
L is for less worries
My tests at OHSU all came out clear for cancer today! CAT scan of lungs took less than 10 minutes and MRI of ankle and foot took 2 hours! I am so glad to be home. I will need to have the test again in July and then every 4 months for the next 2 years. The skin on my ankle is healing well, but it was funny to see the reaction from my orthopaedic oncology doctor today - I think it was the funkiest thing he had seen all day.
Friday, March 13, 2009
L is for LAST ONE!
I had my last radiation treatment today. Not sure it is a good sign that it was on Friday the 13th. I am still feeling good and ready to get on with my life. Have a great weekend!
Monday, March 9, 2009
L is for last five
I just returned from my radiation treatment. I will just need to do this week and the doctor says I probably won't feel the effects until April 1st. My skin has healed well and all the doctor's staff were amazed at how much better it looked - it still has an open wound at the surgery site, but that should just keep getting better and then get a little worse and then better - the doctor thinks by May it will look good. I have a follow-up appointment with him on March 31st. I still will go to OHSU on March 18th for a CAT scan of my lungs and an MRI of my ankle. Keep up the prayers - I am doing very well!
Friday, February 27, 2009
46 - 50 on Thankful List
46. Socks - the other day my feet were very cold and I actually put on socks - I have not worn socks since December. My skin has healed so well that I only needed a band aid.
47. Boxtops / Soup Labels - I am the coordinator for my boys school, so I have been kept busy cutting and counting. I enjoyed having friends over to help and we collected over 6,000 boxtops and 4,000 labels. Wow!
48. Rain - We have had some hard rain over the last week and I really enjoy hearing it pound on the windows! The funny thing is it reminded me of Wisconsin more than Oregon.
49. Teeth - Luke lost another tooth - it was a top one, so now his other top tooth is very crooked - it is hard to keep a serious face when talking with him. Jake just went on a pre-school field trip to the dentist - Grandma Joyce got to go too!
50. Seriously - This is Jake's new favorite word - it is so cute hearing it from a 4 year old. Seriously Mom I want cereal for breakfast, seriously!
Have a great weekend!
47. Boxtops / Soup Labels - I am the coordinator for my boys school, so I have been kept busy cutting and counting. I enjoyed having friends over to help and we collected over 6,000 boxtops and 4,000 labels. Wow!
48. Rain - We have had some hard rain over the last week and I really enjoy hearing it pound on the windows! The funny thing is it reminded me of Wisconsin more than Oregon.
49. Teeth - Luke lost another tooth - it was a top one, so now his other top tooth is very crooked - it is hard to keep a serious face when talking with him. Jake just went on a pre-school field trip to the dentist - Grandma Joyce got to go too!
50. Seriously - This is Jake's new favorite word - it is so cute hearing it from a 4 year old. Seriously Mom I want cereal for breakfast, seriously!
Have a great weekend!
Monday, February 23, 2009
L is for Lisa gets to decide
I met with my radiation Doctor this morning. He says that my skin is healing well. Last week it blistered and then drained. He said to come back in two weeks and I can decide if I want more treatments. Studies show that 6,000 units is what you need - I have had 5,000. It could have gotten all the cancer, but there is no way to know - if I get another tumor they would want to amputate. So...I can get 1,000 more units (5 treatments) or just be done. My first thought was Yeah! I am all done, but since I have thought about it and feel like I am healing well I say BRING IT ON!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
L is for luminary
This week I attended our first meeting for our Relay for Life team - we walked with a team from the boys school (Whitworth Elementary) last May. For those of you who don't know Relay for Life raises money to fight cancer. I enjoyed this event last year and we bought and decorated luminary bags for Bud's Dad and my Mom - these candle bags are lined up around the track and then are lite so you can see them as your walk during the night - it was very touching to find each bag. This year I know I will make a bag for myself - I also know that when I find it on the track I will break down in tears. I will be grateful that I will be able to walk and that my Mom is still living a full and happy life, but I know I will cry for the loss of Bud's Dad - he had a wonderful life, but we still miss him. The event will again be in May and our team is working on fundraising - we plan to do a garage sale and car wash. I am adjusting to the fact that I am one of the people everyone is fighting for, but I will keep walking, fighting, praying and laughing!
Monday, February 16, 2009
L is for lack of radiation treatments
I saw my doctor this morning and he is having me take another week off from radiation treatments. I agree that another week off will be good, my skin looks bad, but it looks worse than it feels. I am starting to think that they have already killed every cancer cell that was there. I will see the doctor again next Monday and he will decide if I need a few more treatments or if I am done.
I now need to decide what to do while I am waiting this week. I know I need to rest, but I also have boxtops and labels to clip and submit for the grade school. I have friends coming over on Tuesday to help with that. I have also had several people tell that I should be a writer, so I am thinking about writing a children's book - any ideas for me?
Keep the healing prayers coming - I know I feel them!
I now need to decide what to do while I am waiting this week. I know I need to rest, but I also have boxtops and labels to clip and submit for the grade school. I have friends coming over on Tuesday to help with that. I have also had several people tell that I should be a writer, so I am thinking about writing a children's book - any ideas for me?
Keep the healing prayers coming - I know I feel them!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
L is for longer list
Working more on my thankful list - here is 41 - 45
41. Valentines - the boys have been getting ready to give them at school - they decided I should have the Batman one that says "Have No Fear" and the Power Ranger one that says "Jump For Joy" - I told them I will jump for joy when my treatments are done!
42. Silly Books - I have always enjoyed books, but love when I read to my boys and we can laugh together - Luke's current favorite is Captain Underpants - I would never have been caught reading this when I was a girl, but as a mom of 3 boys I am starting to understand potty humor.
43. Power Rangers - this is also something I never understood, but enjoy learning with my boys - they like to have me quiz them at dinner time - what color ranger is Cole?, what power rangers are brothers?, etc.
44. Pokemon - also something that I don't think I would have liked as a girl, but enjoy listening to them play doing pretend attacks and all 3 sometimes play nice. I still don't understand the cards and the trading, but they love to do that with friends - Jake even has some cards.
45. Imagination - I played with Jake for an hour yesterday and we used no toys and I was able to sit on the couch with my foot up - I was either Storm or Kitty and he was Logan or Bobbie - Can you guess what we were playing?
Radiation Update - my skin is burnt and hurts - sometimes wakes me up at night - it still does not hurt to walk other than the skin being tight - the incision site is still a little oozy and kind of looks like a vampire bite. My boys still say it looks freaky!
41. Valentines - the boys have been getting ready to give them at school - they decided I should have the Batman one that says "Have No Fear" and the Power Ranger one that says "Jump For Joy" - I told them I will jump for joy when my treatments are done!
42. Silly Books - I have always enjoyed books, but love when I read to my boys and we can laugh together - Luke's current favorite is Captain Underpants - I would never have been caught reading this when I was a girl, but as a mom of 3 boys I am starting to understand potty humor.
43. Power Rangers - this is also something I never understood, but enjoy learning with my boys - they like to have me quiz them at dinner time - what color ranger is Cole?, what power rangers are brothers?, etc.
44. Pokemon - also something that I don't think I would have liked as a girl, but enjoy listening to them play doing pretend attacks and all 3 sometimes play nice. I still don't understand the cards and the trading, but they love to do that with friends - Jake even has some cards.
45. Imagination - I played with Jake for an hour yesterday and we used no toys and I was able to sit on the couch with my foot up - I was either Storm or Kitty and he was Logan or Bobbie - Can you guess what we were playing?
Radiation Update - my skin is burnt and hurts - sometimes wakes me up at night - it still does not hurt to walk other than the skin being tight - the incision site is still a little oozy and kind of looks like a vampire bite. My boys still say it looks freaky!
Friday, February 6, 2009
Thursday, February 5, 2009
L is for later
I met with my Doctor this morning and he told me that he wants me to take a break from treatments. He will look at my skin again on Feb 16th and then decide if I should take another week off or start that day. My ankle does look bad and is starting to ooze - it looks worse than it feels - I am still walking fine and feeling no need for pain medications - I use two special creams on it and soak it for 20 minutes each night and then apply a gel type patch (what they use for burn patients) - I leave the patch on for 2 hours . I think I only have 7 treatments to go, but the Doctor just said we will see. So I get to keep up taking good care of myself and I am getting pretty good at that. My boys have learned to save me steps and I am getting better at asking them to do what they can. My Mom is coming for a few days while Bud has meetings out of town and my neighbors and friends are still bringing food and driving me when I need to just get out. I need to work more on my thankful list - maybe I can get that done while I am not riding back and forth to Salem next week.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
L is for less skin radiated
Today was my first treatment of field reduction - this means they treat a smaller area and do not go as deep in the ankle. My skin is starting to look worse and the doctor is considering having me take a break for a week or two to let my skin heal some. I have 9 more to go and then will be done - just don't know when that done date is yet.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Happy Friday?
I am glad that it is Friday - two days off with no treatments, but I am a little depressed that I still have two weeks to go. I know I will look back and this time will have gone by fast, but when you are in the middle of it times seems to crawl. We have a normal busy weekend planned with basketball, church and maybe go to a Superbowl party. Hope everyone has a relaxing weekend.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Thanks for all the prayers - my Grandmother did well with her surgery and is at home recuperating.
My Dr. changed the area that will get treatment - it is smaller and will be more shallow energy so it will not pass all the way through my ankle. He said I have between 10 and 15 treatments left. Yeah!
Thankful List
35. Meals - I have had several wonderful church members bring meals for my family - I can always tell they were made with love.
36. Giving Back - I am looking forward to the day when I can help others in need.
37. Computers - help me stay in touch with the outside world
38. Feet - I am very grateful for my two working feet and ankles - can't believe I thought about giving one up.
39. My Health - I am amazed at how well my body is handling what is going on - I know that a positive attitude helps - thanks to all my supporters.
40. Sleep - I will be in bed soon and wonder what I will dream about.
My Dr. changed the area that will get treatment - it is smaller and will be more shallow energy so it will not pass all the way through my ankle. He said I have between 10 and 15 treatments left. Yeah!
Thankful List
35. Meals - I have had several wonderful church members bring meals for my family - I can always tell they were made with love.
36. Giving Back - I am looking forward to the day when I can help others in need.
37. Computers - help me stay in touch with the outside world
38. Feet - I am very grateful for my two working feet and ankles - can't believe I thought about giving one up.
39. My Health - I am amazed at how well my body is handling what is going on - I know that a positive attitude helps - thanks to all my supporters.
40. Sleep - I will be in bed soon and wonder what I will dream about.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Request for Prayers
Hi All - My Grandma Berta (my Mom's Mom) is going to have surgery for breast cancer tomorrow. Please pray for her speedy recovery and no complications.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Number 34 on my thankful list is praying
I found this prayer the other day and really like it:
Dear Lord, you give me another day of life, a treasure that I too often ignore. Give me the strength to acknowledge your infinite generosity and goodness. Show me the way this day to express my gratitude for all you have given me. Help me share this bounty with those in need. Amen.
Radiation update:
I am about half way done with my treatments - it is starting to feel more burnt and I don't like to wear socks or even have my pants rub on it. It has been 35 degrees and below every morning, but I don't even mind having my foot bare. The doctor will adjust my treatment next week to a more narrow area on my ankle - not sure if this means a more concentrated dose in that area. I am still able to walk without pain - so I am very thankful!
I found this prayer the other day and really like it:
Dear Lord, you give me another day of life, a treasure that I too often ignore. Give me the strength to acknowledge your infinite generosity and goodness. Show me the way this day to express my gratitude for all you have given me. Help me share this bounty with those in need. Amen.
Radiation update:
I am about half way done with my treatments - it is starting to feel more burnt and I don't like to wear socks or even have my pants rub on it. It has been 35 degrees and below every morning, but I don't even mind having my foot bare. The doctor will adjust my treatment next week to a more narrow area on my ankle - not sure if this means a more concentrated dose in that area. I am still able to walk without pain - so I am very thankful!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Here goes 21-30
Thankful list
21. Sunshine - last three days the sun has really lifted my spirits!
22. Basketball - William and Luke are both enjoying learning to play and are right now outside practicing with each other on the driveway - we don't even have a hoop.
23. Wii - William and Jake finally found something they will play together and not fight - most of the time - they really like Super Smash Bros Brawl.
24. Aunts - I am very blessed with many special Aunts on both sides of my family.
25. Uncles - I will not leave you out - you keep my Aunts busy!
26. Cousins - I have lost count of how many I have but enjoy the uniqueness of each one - this includes, second and third - etc.
27. Nephews - Bryce, Tylor and now Evan - very special friends to my boys - I am looking forward to a niece sometime soon.
28. Grandparents - I have not forgot you - I love you all for the gifts - material and not so material.
29. Joyce and Terry - speaking of unique - they are wonderful and always full of love and support.
30. Jim and Jeanette - I love following you on your adventures - even if I just follow you by website, emails and phone calls.
31. Michael and Robin - wonderful new married couple - love how they support each other.
32. Borja Family - you know who you are - each one of you is special to me and I miss seeing you more often.
33. Bud - just enjoyed a busy Sunday with church, lunch out, haircuts, carwash and now basketball with the boys.
Oops! - went past 30 - I got carried away and did not want to leave anyone out - if you feel left out - email me so I can include you on 34-100.
21. Sunshine - last three days the sun has really lifted my spirits!
22. Basketball - William and Luke are both enjoying learning to play and are right now outside practicing with each other on the driveway - we don't even have a hoop.
23. Wii - William and Jake finally found something they will play together and not fight - most of the time - they really like Super Smash Bros Brawl.
24. Aunts - I am very blessed with many special Aunts on both sides of my family.
25. Uncles - I will not leave you out - you keep my Aunts busy!
26. Cousins - I have lost count of how many I have but enjoy the uniqueness of each one - this includes, second and third - etc.
27. Nephews - Bryce, Tylor and now Evan - very special friends to my boys - I am looking forward to a niece sometime soon.
28. Grandparents - I have not forgot you - I love you all for the gifts - material and not so material.
29. Joyce and Terry - speaking of unique - they are wonderful and always full of love and support.
30. Jim and Jeanette - I love following you on your adventures - even if I just follow you by website, emails and phone calls.
31. Michael and Robin - wonderful new married couple - love how they support each other.
32. Borja Family - you know who you are - each one of you is special to me and I miss seeing you more often.
33. Bud - just enjoyed a busy Sunday with church, lunch out, haircuts, carwash and now basketball with the boys.
Oops! - went past 30 - I got carried away and did not want to leave anyone out - if you feel left out - email me so I can include you on 34-100.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
L is for lazy or lethargic
Not sure if it is from the radiation or just life, but I am tired all the time and my brain sometimes has a hard time putting thoughts together. I have had drivers this week and it has been good to rest my ankle more and nice to have company for the drive. Still just an internal burn feeling sometimes and my skin is getting brown. I have now had 13 treatments more than 1/3 done!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
More on my list
I have completed 9 treatments and have just started to feel a little internal burning in my ankle. It is hard to wait to get them all done. I need to work on my thankful list so I don't get depressed, so here goes 11 - 20
11. God - this list is not in order and I did not forget you!
12. Catholic Church - I love the traditions!
13. Cookies - I am going to enter a cookie baking contest - I have always wanted to do this and I have already tried my first test batch - yummy!
14. Cameras - I love taking pictures - I realized that I did not take a picture for almost 3 weeks after I found out I had cancer - makes me sad to think that I was so lost in fear that I did not think to do something that makes me happy.
15. Mail - I have been getting many get well cards and packages - this helps keep my spirits up - I also enjoy emails.
16. Lotion - I have always loved lotions with wonderful smells - now I have one that does not smell for my ankle, but it seems to be working well for my skin.
17. Birthday Cake - Always brings a smile to my face and I get to take pictures!
18. Sand - hot or cold between my toes - wet or dry - run or walk - you always take some home to clean out of your car - leaves good memories.
19. Ocean - where you find the best sand - always changing - could stare at it for hours.
20. Seagulls - I used to not even look at these birds and then last weekend they were always on our balcony - one morning William and I stepped out to get a closer view and the seagulls swarmed us - we both jumped back in surprise and starting laughing - I guess they were looking for breakfast, but we had none for them - one that we studied closely had a bent toe - they normally have 3 toes - we walked on the beach and found the seagull prints with 2 toes and knew who they belonged to - cool!
11. God - this list is not in order and I did not forget you!
12. Catholic Church - I love the traditions!
13. Cookies - I am going to enter a cookie baking contest - I have always wanted to do this and I have already tried my first test batch - yummy!
14. Cameras - I love taking pictures - I realized that I did not take a picture for almost 3 weeks after I found out I had cancer - makes me sad to think that I was so lost in fear that I did not think to do something that makes me happy.
15. Mail - I have been getting many get well cards and packages - this helps keep my spirits up - I also enjoy emails.
16. Lotion - I have always loved lotions with wonderful smells - now I have one that does not smell for my ankle, but it seems to be working well for my skin.
17. Birthday Cake - Always brings a smile to my face and I get to take pictures!
18. Sand - hot or cold between my toes - wet or dry - run or walk - you always take some home to clean out of your car - leaves good memories.
19. Ocean - where you find the best sand - always changing - could stare at it for hours.
20. Seagulls - I used to not even look at these birds and then last weekend they were always on our balcony - one morning William and I stepped out to get a closer view and the seagulls swarmed us - we both jumped back in surprise and starting laughing - I guess they were looking for breakfast, but we had none for them - one that we studied closely had a bent toe - they normally have 3 toes - we walked on the beach and found the seagull prints with 2 toes and knew who they belonged to - cool!
Monday, January 5, 2009
Thursday, January 1, 2009
L is for lists, lists and more lists.
Both my husband and I love lists - we enjoy making them and then crossing off what has been accomplished. On New Year's Eve I started thinking about a New Year's Resolution List - I don't usually make one of these lists, but I have been doing a lot of things lately that I don't normally do. As I was thinking about my list I remembered some people have lists of 100 things they want to do before they die - I do not feel like this would be a good list for me, I already have my list of songs , I have a list of people that are going to drive me to my treatments, I have a list of groceries, I have a list of doctors, but someone told me they are inspired by their list of 100 thing they are thankful for and praise God everyday for these things - this is a much better list for me, so I want to start one - I think I will just do 10 right now and then add as I want to.
Lisa's Thankful List
1. Rainbows - I saw one when I was driving to my first radiation treatment and it made me smile.
2. Family - I am so blessed with so many wonderful and supportive family members.
3. Friends - I am equally blessed with old and new friends helping and praying for me.
4. My boys - they always find a way to make me laugh everyday.
5. Books - I am always more focused and relaxed when I am reading a book - my favorite part is always the middle.
6. Tea - I stopped drinking coffee and soda - so now I drink at least 3 cups of tea a day.
7. Music - I love my list of songs - reminds me of how much I am loved.
8. Baths - I usually am a shower person, but one of the radiation nurses said I should take a bath, so I don't drop the shampoo bottle on my foot or don't hurt my skin from the pelts of water. The doctor had already told me to soak my foot for 20 minutes a day to increase the circulation, so why not my whole body. People say that baths are relaxing, but I am still working on that. I know this is more detail than you need, but I am trying to convince myself that I am thankful for baths because I miss my showers.
9. Birds - I love to watch them - some how they make me happy - I love hummingbirds and the sound they make when they fly.
10. Seasons - My son Luke asked me the other day what was my favorite season, he guessed it would be spring because he knows I love flowers, but I told him fall because I love to see the leaves change color, he said he likes Winter for snowball fights - I decided not to remind him that the snow is rare in Dallas, Oregon. I also love summer - going to the beach and building sandcastles with my boys.
Happy New Year!
Lisa's Thankful List
1. Rainbows - I saw one when I was driving to my first radiation treatment and it made me smile.
2. Family - I am so blessed with so many wonderful and supportive family members.
3. Friends - I am equally blessed with old and new friends helping and praying for me.
4. My boys - they always find a way to make me laugh everyday.
5. Books - I am always more focused and relaxed when I am reading a book - my favorite part is always the middle.
6. Tea - I stopped drinking coffee and soda - so now I drink at least 3 cups of tea a day.
7. Music - I love my list of songs - reminds me of how much I am loved.
8. Baths - I usually am a shower person, but one of the radiation nurses said I should take a bath, so I don't drop the shampoo bottle on my foot or don't hurt my skin from the pelts of water. The doctor had already told me to soak my foot for 20 minutes a day to increase the circulation, so why not my whole body. People say that baths are relaxing, but I am still working on that. I know this is more detail than you need, but I am trying to convince myself that I am thankful for baths because I miss my showers.
9. Birds - I love to watch them - some how they make me happy - I love hummingbirds and the sound they make when they fly.
10. Seasons - My son Luke asked me the other day what was my favorite season, he guessed it would be spring because he knows I love flowers, but I told him fall because I love to see the leaves change color, he said he likes Winter for snowball fights - I decided not to remind him that the snow is rare in Dallas, Oregon. I also love summer - going to the beach and building sandcastles with my boys.
Happy New Year!
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